Among basic taste, umami was discovered in 1908 by Dr.Kikunaw Ikeda, he focused on the taste of Kombu Dashi(a kind of soup stock with kelp), and revealed that the component of taste is glutamate. He then named this taste as "umami". And one of the most common source of umami is Monosodium glutamate or commonly known as MSG.
Many people says that MSG is a harmful to be consumed by a human being because it leads to obesity and asthma.
But lately I researched about this concern and found out that MSG isn't that harmful.
Based on the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology(FASEB), affirmed the safety of MSG for the general population. They said that there is no evidence linking MSG to any serious or long-term health problems which makes MSG as a safe food ingredient at a normal consumed levels.
Based on these fact, MSG is not guilty about obesity and asthma. But it doesn't mean that you can take much of it. Remember that Much is always Bad...